About COSA
COSA has over 1000 members. These are doctors, nurses, scientists and allied health professionals involved in the clinical care of cancer patients.
COSA is the peak national body representing health professionals from all disciplines whose work involves the care of cancer patients. The overarching mission of COSA is to develop and maintain high-quality clinical care of cancer patients in Australia. Our members are doctors, nurses, scientists and all types of allied health professionals involved with cancer patients. We are allied with, and provide high-level clinical advice to, Cancer Council Australia.
Each year COSA hosts an Annual Scientific Meeting which brings together international and national speakers with COSA members and other interested professionals to share, discuss and learn about cancer research, diagnosis, treatment and care of cancer patients. This is the main platform for information exchange and learning each year. COSA funds grants and awards for COSA members, and hosts other cancer specific forums, workshops, professional days and seminars to build the knowledge of COSA members.
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Visit the join now page for the COSA membership application form. You can also contact COSA to join.
We welcome health professionals working in the field of cancer to join COSA. Members can join as individual members in the following categories - Medical, Allied Health, Nursing, Student and Retiree memberships. View types of membership for more information.
Affiliated and Associated Organisations to COSA are not for profit companies, institutions or organisations that have similar interests to COSA.
Yes, you do. All individual members of Affiliated and Associated Organisations receive discounted rate on their COSA memberships. All declarations of membership will be verified by the named Affiliated or Associated Organisation.
View types of membership for more information.
A letter from your school/place of study confirms your student status, allowing you to join COSA free of charge. Students need to apply for membership by contacting COSA or phone (02) 8256 4100.
Joining COSA offers wide-ranging benefits from creating better services for patients to being able to tap into the best expert discussions in your speciality area. View member benefits for the full list of membership offers.
Membership is valid from 1 July to 30 June each year. Members joining before 31 March join for that current year. Members joining after 1 April, join for the next year.
COSA accepts Visa or Mastercard payments via our website. If you would prefer to pay by direct deposit or cheque, please contact us.
Members can either elect to have their annual renewal fees be automatically deducted from their nominated credit card or manually renew online during the renewal period (usually between April to September). Renewal notices and reminders about autorenewal deductions are sent by email during the renewal period.
To opt-in to automated renewal, check the box at the end of the payment section or update your details in your member dashboard under My Membership - Billing Information.
Please email us so we can investigate any technical issues. Include a description of the issue and screen shot of the problem if you are able to.
The major meeting of the year is the Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM). The ASM is a multidisciplinary meeting with participation from all professional groups involved in cancer care, including medical, surgical, radiation, nursing, pharmacy, research, psychology and other disciplines.
The ASM is run over three-days and is hosted by a different state each year to draw on local expertise. It is the most significant national multidisciplinary cancer meeting in Australia.
Other meetings hosted by COSA include cancer specific forums, workshops, professional days and seminars to build the knowledge of COSA members. View the Events page for details.
The ASM is organised by a local ASM Program Committee, the COSA team and management company, ASN Events.
Yes. COSA welcomes participation in the trade displays from interested and relevant organisations. See the ASM website for more details.
Only members can access member’s content of the website. If you are a member, you can login to the website (top right hand corner) to access this content. If you attempt to access content that is for members only, the website will redirect you to a page where you can log in if you are a COSA member or join COSA if you are not a member.
To log in, use your username (not your email address) and password. If you have forgotten your username or password use the forgot password function on the members login page. If you have trouble resetting your password, have not received an email or have forgotten your username, you can contact COSA and the team will assist.
If you have been a COSA member previously and cannot login to your account, please do not create a new account. Contact COSA and the team will assist by resetting your email and password so you can login and rejoin.
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COSAoncology 16 minutes ago
Our March member newsletter is out now. Check your inbox or log into your COSA account for the latest COSA news, member updates, journal articles and events. bit.ly/4j4unRT
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COSAoncology 7 days ago
Check your inbox for the latest COSA Nutrition Group eNews. Or to subscribe, login to your COSA member account bit.ly/4cI0nc3 and update your preferences. Or members can view the eNews online anytime at bit.ly/4kYm5ww
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COSAoncology 12 days ago
The take-out from Cancer Survivorship 2025 from co-convenor Bogda Koczwara. The conference theme was building capability and capacity in survivorship care and research. Courage, conviction, communication and collaboration were also firmly on display. #Surv25
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COSAoncology 13 days ago
After two days of amazing participation from health professionals and consumers, co-convenor Michael Jefford is energised to build on the improvements we're seeing in survivorship care. #Surv25
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COSAoncology 14 days ago
Congratulations to Best of the Best Poster Winner at #Surv25, Daniel Johnstone from Cancer Voices SA, for his poster, 'Patient-Teachers: A cancer-consumer informed approach to using stories of lived experience in healthcare student education.'
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COSAoncology 14 days ago
Congratulations to Best of the Best Rapid Fire Oral Winner at #Surv25, Chad Han, for his presentation on 'Implementing a nurse-enabled, integrated, shared-care model involving specialists and GPs in breast cancer post-treatment follow up (EMINENT) bit.ly/4kGPtqS
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COSAoncology 14 days ago
Congratulations to the Best of the Best Oral Winner at #Surv25, Ben Smith from the Daffodil Centre, for his presentation on 'Addressing fear of cancer recurrence in routine care: Feasibility of implementing a clinical pathway.' Read the paper: bit.ly/3XHO49L
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COSAoncology 19 days ago
Cancer Survivorship 2025 - Day 1 of thought provoking presentations and stimulating discussions around important survivorship topics including financial toxicity, living with metastatic cancer, and providing tailored person-centred care. Bring on Day 2! #Surv25
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COSAoncology 20 days ago
Our 2025 National Cancer Survivorship Conference begins tomorrow. Be prepared for an exciting program showcasing innovations in survivorship care, research, advocacy and policy. Plus opportunities to meet, mingle and collaborate. bit.ly/3F6okgT #Surv25
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COSAoncology 27 days ago
The theme for COSA-IPOS 2025 in Adelaide in November is 'Optimising care, optimising outcomes – Partnering to improve outcomes for all'. For consideration in the program, submit your abstract by Friday 6 June 2025. For details: bit.ly/3XiOu6x #COSA25
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