The rights of our
member organisations
Affiliated Organisations
- Seat on COSA Council
- Vote for COSA Board
- Discounted COSA membership for members of Affiliated Organisations
- Provide advice to the COSA Board and Council
- Eligibility to hold joint meetings with the COSA Annual Scientific Meeting
Associated Organisations
- Discounted COSA membership for members of Associated Organisations
- Access to COSA advocacy agenda (via COSA Council)
- Eligibility to hold joint meetings with the COSA Annual Scientific Meeting
If your organisation is interested in becoming an Affiliated or Associated member of COSA please contact [email protected].

Affiliated Organisations
The AGITG is Australia’s largest independent non-profit organisation conducting clinical trials into gastro-intestinal (GI) cancers.
The ALLG is the only not for profit organisation designing and delivering investigator initiated clinical trial research into blood cancers.
ANZCHOG is the leading body representing the interests of children and adolescents with blood diseases and cancer, and their families.
ANZGOG is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to gynaecological cancer research.
The principal objectives of the ANZHNCS is to promote the practice of head and neck oncology, to educate medical colleagues and the public about our specialty, to foster research and to seek optimal treatment outcomes for our patients.
The aim of the ANZSA is to improve outcomes for sarcoma and related tumours in the Australian community by undertaking outstanding international basic, translational, clinical and supportive care research.
ANZUP conducts clinical trial research to improve treatment of bladder, kidney, testicular and prostate cancers.
The APA is the peak body representing the interests of Australian physiotherapists and their patients. The APA Cancer, Palliative Care and Lymphoedema national group is committed to professional excellence and career success for their members, which translates into better patient outcomes and improved health conditions for all Australians with cancer.
Breast Cancer Trials is the largest independent, oncology clinical trials research group in Australia and New Zealand, dedicated to finding new and improved treatments and preventions for breast cancer.
CNSA is committed to achieving and promoting excellence in cancer care through the professional contribution of nurses through education, information, leadership, networking and professionalism.
CST runs clinical trials that contribute to quality of life for people diagnosed with cancer.
COGNO's main aim is to conduct investigator-initiated and collaborative group trials addressing important clinical questions in patients with brain tumours.
The Faculty of Radiation Oncology at the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR), is the peak bi-national body advancing patient care and the specialty of radiation oncology through setting of quality standards, producing excellent radiation oncology specialists, and driving research, innovation and collaboration in the treatment of cancer.
HGSA provides a forum for the various disciplines collected under the title of Human Genetics.
MOGA is the national, professional organisation for medical oncologists and the profession of Medical Oncology. MOGA is a Speciality Society of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians.
MASC Trials is the national cancer collaborative group specialising in investigator-initiated collaborative research in melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer to foster optimal patient care.
OSWANZ was formed to assist social workers in their practice to strive for excellence in the psychosocial care of people with cancer and those affected by cancer, through networking, education, advocacy, research and resource development.
PoCoG aims to improve outcomes for people affected by cancer by developing and facilitating high quality, collaborative and clinically relevant research that focuses on interventions and services to optimise psychosocial and supportive care.
The RCPA is the leading organisation representing Pathologists and Senior Scientists in Australasia. Its mission is to train and support pathologists and to improve the use of pathology testing to achieve better healthcare.
TOGA is a member-based research organisation and lung cancer and mesothelioma charity, representing the full range of professional disciplines involved in caring for patients with lung cancer, clinical trial professionals and consumer representatives.
TROG Cancer Research is Australia and New Zealand's specialist clinical research group for cancers that can be treated with radiotherapy.
Associated Organisations
The Australian Society of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy (ASMIRT) is the peak body representing medical radiation practitioners in Australia.
Bloomhill Cancer Care is a Centre of excellence for integrated cancer care based on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland. Dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for people living with and beyond cancer, we offer support across the six dimensions of wellness, including physical, emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual and occupational.
The nurse led model provides specialist oncology nurses who case manages each of our clients during their cancer treatment and through survivorship. Providing current evidence based care, our clinical team support clients with cancer to manage their cancer therapy, and on conclusion of treatment, support in healthy lifestyle choices and wellness. Our specialist allied health team of exercise physiologists, lymphoedema nurse, and touch therapy/oncology massage therapist are available to assist with a range of issues. are available to assist with a range of issues, including fatigue management, fear of recurrence, assistance with chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy, lymphoedema care and psychological support.
Bloomhill hosts a range of private practitioners in the allied health space including Physiotherapy, Acupuncture, Psychology, Counselling, Psychotherapy and Dietetics.
In addition, clients our encouraged to participate in various group activities designed to promote wellbeing and support. These include Yoga, Pilates, Exercise Clinics, Art Therapy, QiGong, and Meditation classes. There is also a monthly bereavement group, as well as cancer-type specific support groups, offering a holistic approach to both physical and emotional care.
Bloomhill represents a unique blueprint for integrated oncology care, working closely with acute cancer care services, general practitioners, community nursing services and other health care professionals to help provide a holistic approach to the care of the person affected by cancer and their carers and for those bereaved by cancer.
Dietitians Australia (DA) is the peak body for dietetic and nutrition professionals, representing more than 6,500 members. More than a professional association, we’re a strong and inspiring community. We’re committed to supporting our members, advocating for our profession and building healthier communities. DA and its members both research and deliver evidence-based information on food and nutrition locally, nationally and internationally. We recommend looking for the Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) credential when choosing a dietitian. Their advice and support is solid and dependable, based on the latest science and tailored to each person.
Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA) is the peak organisation representing exercise and sports science professionals. ESSA members are at the forefront of evidence-based exercise in cancer care, providing strong research into the benefits of physical activity interventions across a variety of cancers. ESSA connects organisations and patients with our professionals to improve access to high quality, innovative and effective cancer treatment.
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COSAoncology 31 minutes ago
Our March member newsletter is out now. Check your inbox or log into your COSA account for the latest COSA news, member updates, journal articles and events.
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COSAoncology 7 days ago
Check your inbox for the latest COSA Nutrition Group eNews. Or to subscribe, login to your COSA member account and update your preferences. Or members can view the eNews online anytime at
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COSAoncology 12 days ago
The take-out from Cancer Survivorship 2025 from co-convenor Bogda Koczwara. The conference theme was building capability and capacity in survivorship care and research. Courage, conviction, communication and collaboration were also firmly on display. #Surv25
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COSAoncology 13 days ago
After two days of amazing participation from health professionals and consumers, co-convenor Michael Jefford is energised to build on the improvements we're seeing in survivorship care. #Surv25
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COSAoncology 14 days ago
Congratulations to Best of the Best Poster Winner at #Surv25, Daniel Johnstone from Cancer Voices SA, for his poster, 'Patient-Teachers: A cancer-consumer informed approach to using stories of lived experience in healthcare student education.'
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COSAoncology 14 days ago
Congratulations to Best of the Best Rapid Fire Oral Winner at #Surv25, Chad Han, for his presentation on 'Implementing a nurse-enabled, integrated, shared-care model involving specialists and GPs in breast cancer post-treatment follow up (EMINENT)
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COSAoncology 14 days ago
Congratulations to the Best of the Best Oral Winner at #Surv25, Ben Smith from the Daffodil Centre, for his presentation on 'Addressing fear of cancer recurrence in routine care: Feasibility of implementing a clinical pathway.' Read the paper:
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COSAoncology 19 days ago
Cancer Survivorship 2025 - Day 1 of thought provoking presentations and stimulating discussions around important survivorship topics including financial toxicity, living with metastatic cancer, and providing tailored person-centred care. Bring on Day 2! #Surv25
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COSAoncology 20 days ago
Our 2025 National Cancer Survivorship Conference begins tomorrow. Be prepared for an exciting program showcasing innovations in survivorship care, research, advocacy and policy. Plus opportunities to meet, mingle and collaborate. #Surv25
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COSAoncology 27 days ago
The theme for COSA-IPOS 2025 in Adelaide in November is 'Optimising care, optimising outcomes – Partnering to improve outcomes for all'. For consideration in the program, submit your abstract by Friday 6 June 2025. For details: #COSA25
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