An Optimal Care Pathway for Older People with Cancer National consultation

  • GROUP Geriatric Oncology
  • DATE 03/03/2025

An Optimal Care Pathway for Older People with Cancer National consultation

The Optimal Care Pathway (OCP) is an outline for consistent, safe, high-quality and evidence-based care for older people with cancer. Relevant to every step along the cancer continuum, the Optimal Care Pathways aim to improve patient outcomes for people affected by cancer and ensure that Australians diagnosed with cancer receive the best care irrespective of where they live or receive cancer treatment.

Details on this project

On behalf of COSA’s Geriatric Oncology Group we are seeking review of the attached drafts:

- Optimal Care Pathway for older people with cancer (for health professionals)

- Quick Reference Guide for older people with cancer (for health professionals)

- Guide to Best Practice for older people with cancer (for people with cancer, and their family and carers)

Development of the Optimal Care Pathway for older people followed the National Optimal Care Pathways Framework by Cancer Australia
Please review and provide feedback to [email protected] by COB 24 March 2025
Feedback should be provided via email or included in comment boxes within the pdf document(s).
Please note that text generic to all OCPs is in black, OCP text particularly relevant to an older population is in blue, and that the documents are yet to receive the intended professional editing, graphics and translations work. All hyperlinks will also be confirmed.
You can learn more about the OCP at our online consultation workshop, which is being convened through COSA’s Geriatric Oncology Community of Practice, on Tuesday 11 March 6:00pm-7:30pm AEDT. Please RSVP to [email protected] to receive a Teams meeting invite.

Professor Meera Agar and A/Professor Christopher Steer
Co-Chairs, Project Steering Committee
Optimal Care Pathway for older people with cancer

Project Steering Committee Co-Chairs

Team Image
Meera Agar

Geriatric Oncology Group Chair

Team Image
Christopher Steer

COSA Council Elected Director

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