GOEER – Geriatric Oncology Emerging Experts & Researchers

  • GROUP Geriatric Oncology
  • DATE 01/01/2021


GOEER is a subgroup of the Geriatric Oncology Group aimed at expanding and deepening the field of geriatric oncology amongst trainees and early career clinicians. GOEER is led by Geriatric Oncology Group Executive member Michael Krasovitsky, and its multidisciplinary membership includes medical oncologists, geriatricians, radiation oncologists, palliative care physicians, haematologists, advanced practice nurses and allied health clinicians.


The GOEER Group has a number of active projects underway including research endeavours, advocacy programs and geriatric oncology implementation reviews. GOEER is also leading numerous advocacy projects, including encouraging a number of cancer care organisations to incorporate geriatric oncology concepts and indices into their platforms. The GOEER Group also has a strong educational presence, and starts each meeting with a learning session on a topic of interest within geriatric oncology – past presentations have included cardiovascular health in older survivors of cancer, perioperative geriatric oncology, and geriatric oncology within geriatrics training.

The GOEER team led the inclusion of two geriatric oncology indices on eviQ – the Vulnerable elders survey-13 which utilises a function-based scoring system that considers ages, self-rated health, physical limitations, and functional disabilities; and the Geriatric 8 (G8) screening tool which identifies patients who could benefit from comprehensive geriatric assessment

The GOEER group meets virtually every quarter, and is open to healthcare professionals from any field with an interest in geriatric oncology who self-identify as being an early career professional. If you are interested in joining this dynamic community of practice please contact COSA for more information.


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